Monday 18 May 2009

The Number Designers

A long long time ago two men sat in a candlelit hut.

Ok, so we’ve designed all the letters, now lets crack on with the numbers. Let’s start with zero. I want this to be pretty much exactly the same as the letter O.
Are you sure?
Don’t question me.
Ok so the number one. How about we make this look just like a lower case l.
OK number two, how’s about a less aggressive looking Z,
Now number three, yes I’ve been thinking about this one, I want it to look like a rainbow that somebody has sat on and broken then turned it on its side. Ok?
Yeah great.
Number four I’m not too sure about that one yet, but for number five I want an S with an edge. Do you understand me? I want to be able to eat my fucking tea off the top of it.
Number six, I want people to confuse this with a lower case b. OK?
Yep I think I can manage that.
Number seven. Not sure. You can do that one.
Number eight. Right I want this to be like a zero that somebody has twisted. You know, like when you wring out a sponge.
Number nine, I’ve got to go and meet my wife, just do an upside down 6. OK?
Yep OK. See you tomorrow.
(Door Slams)

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